15th International Laser Marketplace

The INTERNATIONAL LASER MARKETPLACE traditionally accompanies the world leading trade fair LASER World of PHOTONICS. It is organized by OPTECH CONSULTING and LASER World of PHOTONICS.

15th International Laser Marketplace – Topics and Presentations
CEO Interview
Keynote Interview
Dr. Vincent Mattera, Chairman and CEO, II-VI Inc.
in conversation with Guenther Braun
Special Topic 2022: Quantum Photonics
Quantum Photonics Keynote Presentation
Quantum Optics in China
Technology Trends Japan:
Industrial Lasers, Quantum Technology
Industrial Laser and System Markets and Technologies
High Power Laser Cutting, Laser Cutting in China
Additive Manufacturing
Global Markets
15th International Laser Marketplace – Program
10.00 - 10.30 | Registration and Welcome Coffee | |
10.30 - 11.10 | Why Lasers and Photonics are Needed for Quantum Technologies 2.0 | Thomas Renner, Vorstand/CSO, TOPTICA Photonics AG |
11.10 - 11.30 | Status of Quantum Optics in China | Prof. Bo Gu, Ph.D., Deputy Secretary-General, The Chinese Optical Society |
11.30 - 11.50 | Industrial Laser Processing Based on State-of-the-Art Photonics and Quantum Technology | Dr. Koji Yasui, Senior Chief Technologist Laser, EDM, CNC, Mitsubishi Electric Co. |
11.50 - 13.00 | Networking Lunch | |
13.00 - 13.30 | Keynote Interview | Dr. Vincent Mattera, Chairman and CEO, II-VI Inc., in conversation with Guenther Braun |
13.30 - 14.00 | The High Power Laser Cutting Revolution | Martino Burlamacchi, Chairman of Penta Laser Group, China |
14.00 - 14.30 | The Digital Nature of Additive Manufacturing | Nikolai Zaepernick, Chief Business Officer, EOS GmbH |
14.30 - 15.15 | Coffee Break | |
15.15 - 15.35 | Laser Materials Processing Markets and Applications in India | Maulik Patel, International Business Development, Sahajanand Laser Technology Ltd. - SLTL, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India |
15.35 - 15.50 | The Market for Industrial Laser Systems in Japan: Status and Trend | Dr. Kunihiko Washio, President, Paradigm Laser Research |
15.50 - 16.10 | Chinese Laser Market under the New Globalization | Prof. Bo Gu, Ph.D., Deputy Secretary-General, The Chinese Optical Society |
16.10 - 16.40 | Global Industrial Laser and Laser Systems Market Update | Dr. Arnold Mayer, President, Optech Consulting |
16.40 - 16:45 | Closing |
15th International Laser Marketplace – Speakers

Dr. Arnold Mayer is president and founder of Optech Consulting, a consultancy specializing in the laser and photonics industry. The company provides consulting for industry, investment bodies, and government. It publishes periodic reports on the industrial laser market and organizes the International Laser Marketplace symposium. Prior to founding Optech Consulting in 1992 Arnold held positions in business development, industrial R&D, and management consulting. He received his degree in physics from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and his PhD in non-linear optics at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart.
Arnold Mayer chairs the 15th International Laser Marketplace and gives a presentation on the Global Industrial Laser and Laser Systems Market.

Günther Braun served as the Chief Executive Officer and President of Rofin-Sinar Technologies Inc. from May 9, 2005 to July 1, 2015 and as Chief Financial Officer from September 26, 1996 to December 15, 2005. Prior to that he held other management positions with the company. He joined Rofin in 1989 in connection with Rofin‘s acquisition of Coherent General Inc.’s Laser Optronics marking division. He served as a Director of Rofin-Sinar Technologies Inc. from September 1996 to July 1, 2015 and was from 2007 to June 2015 Chairman of the Working Committee Laser and Laser Systems for Materials Processing within the VDMA (German Machine Tool Association). Mr. Braun holds a Master Business Administration Degree from the University of Applied Science Regensburg, Germany.
Günther Braun presently works as independent consultant.
At the 15th International Laser Marketplace Günter Braun moderates the keynote interviews.

Dr. Vincent D (“Chuck”) Mattera, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, II-VI Inc.
Dr. Mattera initially served as a member of the II-VI Board from 2000 until 2002. Dr. Mattera joined the Company as Vice President in 2004, and served as Executive Vice President from January 2010 to November 2013, when he became Chief Operating Officer. He was re-appointed to the Board in 2012. In November 2014, Dr. Mattera became the President and Chief Operating Officer. In September 2016, Dr. Mattera became the Company’s third President and Chief Executive Officer in 45 years. During his career at II-VI he has assumed successively broader management roles, including as a lead architect of the Company’s diversification strategy. He has provided vision, energy and dispatch to the Company’s growth initiatives, including overseeing the acquisition-related integration activities in the United States, Europe, and Asia – especially in China – thereby establishing additional platforms. These have contributed to a new positioning of the Company into large and transformative global growth markets while increasing considerably the global reach of the Company, deepening the technology and IP portfolio, broadening the product roadmap and customer base, and increasing the potential of II-VI.
At the 15th International Laser Marketplace Dr. Mattera gives a keynote interview.

Dr. Koji Yasui, Senior Chief Technologist Laser, EDM, CNC, Mitsubishi Electric Co.
Koji Yasui received B.S. and Ph. D. degrees from the University of Tokyo in 1982 and 1989 respectively. He was a visiting scientist at the Stanford University in 1989. He joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in 1982, where he has developed high-power CO2 lasers, high-power solid-state lasers, high-power green lasers, high-power 266nm UV lasers and laser processing machines using those laser sources. He is now working as a senior chief technologist in charge of laser technology, EDM technology, CNC technology and e-beam technology and related businesses. He is also sub-program director of SIP and program sub-leader of COI, programs supported by the Japanese government. He is a committee member of various IoT/AI related meetings.
Presentation at the 15th International Laser Marketplace:
Industrial Laser Processing Based on State-of-the-Art Photonics and Quantum Technology
In his presentation, Dr. Yasui will present new technological developments for lasers and applications in Japan He will also give an example of the integration of state-of-the-art laser technology, AI, quantum computing, and quantum communication to supply laser processing machines for emerging new fields including digital, semiconductor, and quantum technologies.

Dr. Kunihiko Washio, President, Paradigm Laser Research
Dr. Washio received his MS degree in physics from the University of Tokyo in 1968 and Ph. D degree in Engineering from Tohoku University in 1980. He joined NEC Corporation in 1968 and engaged in R & D of various solid-state lasers and their applications for about 35 years, including lamp-pumped CW light-focusing (SELFOC) glass fiber lasers, LED and LD-pumped Nd:YAG lasers, ultrashort-pulse generation by mode-locking of CW glass fiber lasers, laser-CVD-based direct-metal-writing for mask repairing, laser welding of aluminum, refractive-index modification of glasses by ultrafast lasers, etc. After retiring NEC Corporation in 2003, he has been serving industries in consulting on development of lasers and their applications to materials processing. He was the founder and president of Paradigm Laser Ltd., which was dissolved in May, 2020. Since July, 2020, he is doing consulting as the self-employed president of Paradigm Laser Research.
Presentation at the 15th International Laser Marketplace:
The Market for Industrial Laser Systems in Japan: Status and Trend
In his presentation Dr. Washio will report the present status of the market for industrial laser systems in Japan. He will also report on the market trend under the impact of the pandemic, and compare it to statistical data for related industry sectors.

Maulik Patel is Executive Director & responsible for Global Business for SLTL Group – Sahajanand Laser Technology Ltd. since 2015. SLTL Group has been the centre point for revolution of Fiber laser for sheet metal cutting application as being the World’s First Fiber laser Cutting Machine Manufacturer since 2002. Major laser business divisions are Diamond Processing laser systems where SLTL is world’s Largest and Industrial Laser systems where focus is on Medical industry, Jewellery, Electronics, Automotive industry, Laser additive manufacturing, applications in e-mobility and general engineering. Maulik started working with SLTL Group since 2009 and received a degree in Mechatronics Engineering and Management Development from IIM-Ahmedabad in 2012.
Presentation at the 15th International Laser Marketplace:
Laser Materials Processing Markets and Applications in India

Martino Burlamacchi, Chairman of Penta Laser Group, China
Martino Burlamacchi graduated in Electronic Engineering with specialization in lasers in 1995 at Florence University. Since 1995 he held several management positions at El.En. Group, Florence, Italy. El.En., listed at the Milan stock exchange (ELN.MI), is a leader in laser technology in Italy. Since 2007 Martino Burlamacchi is Chairman of Penta Laser Group in China (a subsidiary of El.En. Group), with factories in Wuhan, Wenzhou and Shandong. The Group achieved a relevant position in the Chinese market and is currently market leader on super high power laser cutting machines.
Presentation at the 15th International Laser Marketplace:
The High Power Laser Cutting Revolution
In his presentation, Martino Burlamacchi will cover the progress of laser cutting technology, the laser power trend, the cutting performance, as well as the market sectors. The presentation will in particular focus on the Chinese market.

Thomas Renner, Vorstand/CSO, TOPTICA Photonics AG
Thomas Renner (PhD in ultrafast laser spectrosopy) has started his business career in laser & business development for laser micro maching at Rofin/Baasel Lasertech (1995 – 2005). Since 2005 he is responsible for sales & marketing at TOPTICA Photonics AG, a leading laser supplier for quantum technologies, biophotonics and industrial metrology. Since 2018 he is co-chairing the presidency of TOPTICA with now more than 400 employees worldwide.
Presentation at the 15th International Laser Marketplace:
Why Lasers and Photonics are needed for Quantum Technologies 2.0
Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication and Quantum Metrology are now starting to address “real world” applications outside fundamental physics laboratories. Promises and expectations for some potential game changing applications are high – also resulting in various higher volume IPO, investment and M&A activities. Many solutions for Quantum Technologies 2.0 are strongly based on lasers and photonics. The presentation covers the major application potentials in quantum metrology, communication, and computing. Explanatory quantum optical setups will be presented. A special focus will be given to the challenges for dedicated lasers and optics, which are needed in these applications.

Prof. Bo Gu, Ph.D., Deputy Secretary-General, The Chinese Optical Society
Prof. Bo Gu, Ph.D., is the Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Optical Society (COS). He has been in photonics field for more than 30 years and is continuing to develop the next generation of photonics technologies. Many years working in China and Asia as a corporate executive gives him a great insight and a unique perspective about the region, especially its business environment and the market dynamics. His technical contributions to the lasers and photonics fields made him elected Fellows of many professional societies including SPIE, Optica, Laser Institute of America(LIA), and the Chinese Optical Society (COS).
Prof. Bo Gu will present two topics at the 15th International Laser Marketplace:
- Chinese Laser Market under the New Globalization
- Status of Quantum Optics in China
Chinese Laser market under the New Globalization
The Chinese industrial laser market continued to grow in 2021 despite of Covid-19, tariff barrier, and disrupted global supply chain. It becomes more challenging than ever how laser and photonics companies should navigate in this world’s largest growing market while serious tension between the US and China still remains and potentially worsens. We present the annual performances of the Chinese laser market in 2021 with official data from the Chinese Optical Society, underline some of the development and trend, provide some strategies of navigating the Chinese laser market under new world order.
Status of Quantum Optics in China
Quantum optics is one of the fast growing fields in China. We will review the status of the Chinese quantum optics and share with our European audience some of the data from the Chinese Optical Society (COS) and the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) with some insights and forecast.

Nikolai Zaepernick, CBO, EOS GmbH
Nikolai Zaepernick is responsible for the global business at EOS – the world market leader for industrial 3D printing. As Managing Director, he leads the Business Units Systems, Software, Service, Metal- and Polymer materials and drives digitalization. Nikolai joined EOS in early 2011, started as VP Strategy and Business Development, then took over the responsibility for the EOS business in Central Europe. Before, he worked for Siemens for more than ten years in various operational functions, most recently as VP Strategy of the Division ‘Drives Technologies’. The watch industry has been the starting point in his professional life, working for Cartier in Switzerland. Nikolai is a mechanical engineer and holds an MBA degree.
Presentation at the 15th International Laser Marketplace:
The Digital Nature of Additive Manufacturing
Digital transformation is increasingly gaining influence on the business of many companies. Requirements for software and software-related hardware are changing and require a radical rethink. Not only the portfolio and business processes of a company are affected – additive manufacturing presents industrial companies with the challenge of completely rethinking and designing products, adapting business models and questioning supplier structures. The current situation shows how vulnerable our global supply chains are (COVID, blockade of Suez Canal…). Additive manufacturing processes can make a difference. Let’s discuss which…
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